Let’s break down the barrier. This is me.
The first thing people usually remember about me is that I have a really weird name. It’s ‘Soenke’. It is the Frisian version of a Swedish name that means the ‘little boy’ and as you may have guessed, it’s rare. It’s actually so rare, I can’t even give you a phonetic spelling beyond ‘Zoonka’. Well, at least it’s close.
I am German-born and have lived most of my adult life in Australia, working in the hotel industry before I started a software company that is now US-based and helps fellow hoteliers around the world. Photography has been a passion since my school days and has been with me ever since. I have spent the last 15 years travelling around the world extensively, sometimes meeting business people in 5 countries in the space of one week. This has bestowed upon me a realisation of how different people are: How we are all imprinted with our life experiences, many of which we proudly carry in our faces without realising it.
I am combining my passion for photography with a realisation that we, the people, do not pay attention to capturing the personalities of our loved ones in pictures, instead relying on fading memories to perpetuate the memory of those we love. I can only encourage you to take snapshots of your family in the different stages of their lives.
Let me help you with yours.