Portraits of real people.

“The objective of a good portrait is not to flatter, but to shine a light on the soul of the person.”

As we get older and travel the often rocky road of life, we become wiser and show the signs of age and wisdom in our faces. Sometimes major life events leave an imprint. During this journey, our faces carry the signs of our experiences and adapting personality. As people become more interesting, we avoid photos and stop recording.

It is my mission to secure a record of the true personality of people over 40, warts and all, to secure the face your children love for future generations of your family.

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Photo journalists capture events and portrait photographers capture the essence of their subjects.

Although it seems obvious, the latter can be rather tricky.

You won’t hear “Cheeeese” from me while we work together to capture you. The REAL you.

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Secure a memory of the personality of your parents, partners and other loved ones.

Contact me today